Performances / Szigligeti Company / 2024-2025

Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev

A Month in the Country


Director Zsolt Harsányi about the possibilities of adapting it to the stage: “I must confess I love Chekhov, and that this influences my approach to Turgenev, whose best-known play undeniaby has a little Chekhov in it. Not suprisingly, because we know that Chekhov considered him an example. Turgenev's world is that same 19th century Russian landscape where apparently nothing happens, where all people do is be bored and long, while in fact, through the people's emotional struggles and jealousy fights, this world reflects human nature, sometimes cruel, and other times vilnerable, that basically defines the life of all of us. I think we can safely admit that the almost 150 years that have passed since the play was written, we have not become any better or any wiser, and we mostly live our heart-wrenchingly tracigomic lives the same way as before.”
Zsolt Harsányi was born in Oradea, this is where he met the world of theatre. He studied in Tg. Mureş, first as an actor, then later as a director. He was a member of the National Theatre of Tg. Mureş, and he is a professor at the University of Arts in the same city. In the season of 1995/1996, he was a member of Szigligeti Company, then in 2006, he worked as a director in Oradea. „I am waiting for our reunion with excitement. Home again for a little while.

Cast of characters:

Natalia Petrovna



Lisaveta Bogdanovna

Directed by:

Set design:

Costume design:

Stage manager:






Premier: 2013.10.11

Papírsárkány (Egy hónap falun)