News / Nagyvárad Dance Ensemble

News / Nagyvárad Dance Ensemble 2017.02.21

Short Story By Móricz, In Dance

Nagyvárad Ensemble is preparing a new dance theatre performance titled Barbarians, scheduled to premiere on the 10th of March. The performance is based on Zsigmond Móricz's short story of the same title.

“Our lives lack true, pure attachment to our peers. We have long lost the ability to love and to respect each other the way our ancestors did. We have drifted too far from nature, and the lack of real, honest human emotions led to isolation. Inspired by our folcloric roots, and based on the aforementioned ideas, tries to analyze a current problem, emphasizing the barbaric character of our society and ego” – director-choreographer Csaba Györfi says.

In the show's creation, the following also took part: composer Tibor Cári, set and costume designer Cristina Breteanu, Arnold Lungu, who made the video montage that appears in the show, assistant choreographers Dalma Kerekes and Imola T?kés, and choreographers Andreea Belu and Levente Dimény.