Main Stage

Technical Description of the Main Hall of the Szigligeti Theatre




The auditorium has three levels and a seating capacity of 567, divided as follows:


               •             Ground floor - 256 seats (stalls), 32 seats (side boxes)

               •             First level - 56 seats (side boxes), 42 seats (central boxes)

               •             Second level - 181 seats (balcony)




The orchestra pit has an approximate area of 35 m², with a maximum depth of 3.5 m in the center and a minimum depth of 3 m at the edges, with a width of 11 m. When covered, it functions as a proscenium, at the same level as the stage. The proscenium cover is composed of 11 panels, each 80 cm wide, with lengths ranging from 2.24 m to 2.71 m.




Stage opening (portal):


               •             Width: 9.90 m

               •             Height: 4.5 m


Stage dimensions:


               •             Width: 22 m

               •             Depth: 9 m

               •             Height: 15 m (to the grid)


The stage floor is made of pine wood, coated with black oil paint, and has a slight slope towards the auditorium. It is perforable. The stage includes an electrically controlled revolving platform with a diameter of 8 m.


Maximum load capacity:


               •             Static: 5KN/m (total of 15.2 t)

               •             Dynamic: 2KN/m (total of 7.6 t)




               •             Fire safety curtain: Mechanically operated, not for use as a set element, and no set elements should obstruct its lowering.

               •             Red velvet front curtain: Mechanically operated, movable both horizontally and vertically.


Set Rigging Bars (trusses)


               •             Manual with counterweights: 6 units (first six trusses on stage)

               •             Electric, programmable in position and speed: 19 units, each 14 m long, with a load capacity of 250 kg.

               •             Range of motion: 15 m, with the minimum position at 1.35 m.




Audience (front) system:


               •             Nexo Geo-M6 & Nexo Sub (Stereo, Full Range Main L, R; no dedicated sub send).


Fixed front-stage monitors:


               •             2 x Nexo Ps-10, 2-way.


Stage monitors:


               •             Side towers (adjustable direction) - 2 x Nexo Ps-8, 2-way.

               •             Mounted on lighting bridge (fixed, center stage direction) - 2 x Nexo Ps-15, mono link.

               •             Mounted on grid (fixed, rear stage direction) - 2 x Nexo Ps-15, 2-way.


Portable speakers:


               •             4 x RCF Art 312

               •             4 x RCF Art 310




               •             Digico s31, Allen & Heath sq-5, Soundcraft SI Impact, Expression 1, and 3.


I/O Connectivity:


               •             Stageboxes: Digico D-Rack (32 IN, 8 OUT), Allen & Heath Ar 2412 (24 IN, 12 OUT) + Allen & Heath Ar 84 extender (8 IN, 4 OUT), Soundcraft Mini 16-R (16 IN, 8 OUT).


Group cables on stage:


               •             Positioned at both sides of the curtain on stage, with 2 x 12 in, 4 out analog group cables connected to the audio control booth.


STP cables on stage:


               •             Positioned alongside analog group cables on stage with 2 x STP (female connectors), connected to the audio control booth.


Audio control booth:


               •             Located at the back of the auditorium near the lighting control booth, with an opening of 85 x 55 cm and direct communication with the lighting booth through a 40 x 30 cm slot.


RF equipment, microphones, and accessories:


               •             Available in varying numbers depending on theatrical activities.




Lighting rig:


               •             Stage towers, left and right: 2 ETC SF JZ, 3 PC 1000 W, 2 FR 2000 W with color changers, 3 DMX, ethernet.

               •             Stage lighting bridge: 4 FR 2000 W with color changers, 8 SPX 15/35, 12 PC 1000 W, 3 DMX, ethernet.

               •             Grid, left and right: 4 ETC SF 15/30.


First-level pros arch boxes, left and right:


               •             2 FR 2000 W with color changers, 5 PC 1000 W, 3 DMX, ethernet.


Second-level pros arch boxes, left and right:


               •             4 ETC SF 15/30.


Balcony, left and right:


               •             4 Prolights Eclipse RGBW LED profiles, 4 FR 2000 W with color changers, 1 Ayrton Ghibli, 3 DMX, ethernet.


Balcony, rear:


               •             15 Selecon 2000 W (9/18), 3 DMX, ethernet.


Balcony, front:


               •             4 ETC SF 14.


Lamp holders:


               •             6 Prolights Diamond 19, 8 Martin TW1, 7 Martin Mac 700, 4 Ayrton Ghibli, 6 PC 1000 W



Ground-floor pros arch boxes, left and right:


               •             2 circuits, 3 DMX, ethernet.


Back of the auditorium:


               •             6 circuits.




               •             28 circuits, 5*3 DMX, ethernet.


Lighting Control Console


               •             GrandMA3 Light CRV.

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Plan M=1 50. M3.pdf

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